A downloadable game

Story and background

Darkwater takes place in a fictional Hollow earth. An unnamed player uncovers information about the world and previous ventures within to adapt and survive its many trials and tribulations.

A vista of floating islands orbit around the shining core of the earth similar to the sun it illuminates the world. Each island contains it’s own unique properties, weather patterns, and eco system. 

Wildlife in the hollow earth can range from the small and defenseless to the gargantuan and destructive. Plants and trees come in a range of beautiful colors and each have unique properties that can help heal or be deadly, it is up to you as the player to find out what the effects are.

You are not the first to vist The Hollow Earth. Exhbidictions as old as human history have ventured down. Some being successful and surviving others succumbing to the dangers of this mysterious land. 

Ruins pepper the landscape holding technologies and knowledge beyond our comprehension. The player must pay careful attention to discover the mysteries left by those who have left.


WASD + mouse = Move and look

CTRL = Toggle Crouch

Spacebar = Jump

Spacebar in the air = Vault to grab ledges

Q on the ground = Vault to grab ledges

P = Pause menu

I/Tab = Inventory

M = Mute narration

Right-click items in inventory = Equip, combine, use

1 = Activate "Equipped weapon idle animation"

2= Deactivate "Equipped weapon idle animation"

Gravity Gun Equipped:

Left-click = use

Shift = "boost" (Currently activates even if there is no target)

R = Reload


Link to google drive with build of the game

Install instructions

1. Download the zip folder from the google drive

2. Unzip the folder somewhere

3. Double click on the Darkwater.exe file

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